Why the Southeast?

I've decided to explore the Southeastern United States. I chose this area because it's my home, it's my assigned work region, and because it holds globally significant biodiversity within its distinctive ecosystems.  

Since I grew up in the southeast - vacationing, exploring, and just living life - I like to think have an almost intrinsic understanding of its landscapes and ecosystems. At the very least, it's familiar to me - it's home. I've spent countless hours exploring the swamps, beaches, estuaries, creeks, meadows, and mountains across the southeast to various extents; and that time has given me a deep appreciation for the local flora and fauna that occur in the region. Furthermore, my job focus (my region) is the southeast, so I'll be able to leverage my professional experience and resources, and use what I learn toward projects or publications I'm working on for work. Most importantly, however, is the southeast's status as a global biodiversity hotspot; particularly in its freshwater ecosystems. I was drawn in by the unparalleled biodiversity of salamanders in this region in college, but I've been captivated by all the unique creatures and interesting plants of wetlands, estuaries, and stream ecosystems since a very young age, which eventually led me to pursue a career in aquatic conservation. I'd like to dive deeper into what I think I know, to expand my knowledge of the special habitats that occur here, and I'm excited by the prospect of contributing to the ongoing inventories, studies, and assessments of the biodiversity of the southeast.


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